Friday, October 12, 2012

Watermelon Vs. Fence Final Update

It hasn't been a very good week for the Watermelon. We ended up removing a bunch of weeds from our gardens this past weekend and we took out a lot of water grass that was growing wildly throughout the garden bed. I believe we removed too much too quickly, as the next day it was extremely hot and the watermelon plants basically withered away, without the insulation and protection from the sun that the grass had been providing.


The other watermelon was so wilted that it started to decompose in the fence. I removed it a few days ago, tossed it in a bucket outside while I watered my gardens and then *thought* I had put it into my worm inn last week. Well, apparently I didn't!

At least not all of it! My puppy had gotten into the bucket when no one was looking and claimed half of the watermelon as her own personal chew toy. You can see her handy work above!

I ended up trying to remove the last remaining (and larger) watermelon from the fence, but ended up breaking it instead, as it was really wedged in there.

But I used my knowledge of shapes (thank you preschool!) and put it back together to give an idea of what it would have looked like if I hadn't broken it.
Looks pretty freakish doesn't it?

And I also grabbed some tomatoes out of the garden before my dogs dragged them through the fence and ate them! They seem to love tomatoes!
Not a bad experiment if I do say so myself, though I don't recommend you try growing watermelons in a fence if you care to retain their natural shape and want to see them mature! XD

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