Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Stuff Series Part 1

I'm sure you've noticed that while this blog is dedicated primarily to vermicomposting and gardening, periodically I'll post about something completely random, like fixing vacuum cleaners, or how to save money being frugal, stuff like that. I've decided to try to create "sections" or categories so that eventually, if this blog grows into a website, we can organize everything better.

Today's post is about using cardboard in place of soil. I'm not even sure if it's possible to be honest, but because I just discovered a sunflower blooming in the back of my pickup truck, I figured it was worth a post.

Forgive the mountain of trash I have in the back of my truck. The people who owned the property before I did had a nasty habit of burying their trash in the yard. I've been digging it up over the last year and when I'm not around, my kids will toss whatever they find in the back of the truck. Pretty much everybody does the same thing now, so the truck is getting pretty full. I figure when it's full enough Ill just drive over to the dump and push it all out, whatever I can't recycle or vermicompost that is!

 From this angle I wasn't able to determine exactly what the roots were attached to, if anything. I couldn't tell if the roots had penetrated the cardboard, as if it were soil, or if they were merely sitting on top, as they would in a paper towel or napkin when germinating seeds.

 I moved the plastic (a cheap slip n slide for the kiddies) and it was pretty clear then that the roots were sitting on top of the cardboard and not penetrating it. I'm a little disappointed. :(

But not at all disappointed by the roots on this little plant. Cardboard seems like an excellent medium for germination of seeds and would probably hold water much better than a paper towel, napkin, or toilet paper. For those of you wondering why my fingers appear orangish/yellow, that's the valley fever(lung disease) causing lack of blood flow to fingers and toes. :( .......But I'm okay :)

Bottom line, cardboard would work excellent to germinate seeds, but I wouldn't recommend it in place of soil. This plant was promptly transferred to my garden!

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