Monday, October 8, 2012

Worm Inn Update 1

So today I added about 10 or more (I don't weigh it, just feel of it) pounds of frozen food and rabbit poop to my Worm Inn.

As you can see, it's pretty full!

I have been saving the rabbit droppings in a coffee can so that I can sprinkle them onto the piles as needed. The poop really seems to jump start the decomposition process and the worms are much more active on material that has the poop nearby.

Coffee Can is perfect for storage

And here's a shot up close after adding the frozen/rotten food and the rabbit poo

It's important to remember to wet the poop after it's added as dry poop is of no benefit to worms or microbes. Since I mixed the poop with frozen food, I only added a little bit of water because the thawing food will eventually soak the inn.

When done adding food, I always add a new top layer of shredded paper/cardboard to keep the smell from lingering and to keep the bugs who'd seek to get to the rot at bay. They cannot penetrate the mesh lid and just hang out around the top screaming, "Dude, it's Dave man, let me in!"

To which the worms reply, "What, who Dave? Dave's not here man!"



  1. Hey Richard, where did you buy this wormfarm?

    I just ordered one from "big jims or big joes"
    but its recycled plastic with 4 tiers??

    With yours their is just one compartment??
    Also how much was it?

  2. Hello Georgie,
    I ordered the "worm inn" from

    I paid around 125 dollars with shipping and received 2 pounds of worms with the order. Being a flow through system, it's basically a bag that breathes, with a pull tie at the bottom and a mesh screen on top. You feed only through the top and get really nice vermicompost from the bottom. I highly recommend it!

  3. Well if my first one works out, which it should. I will look into buying this one next. As a family we are gearing towards more vege's and fruit. So I may need another farm. The price with the worms is def reasonable.

    I really like your set up, and your worm 'liquid waste' must be much more potent then the 'tea' version. Will be using frozen scrap food as well, for obvious reasons. not having to make a decision about amt of water AND it supposedly kills fruit fly larvae are added bonuses. Sorry abt my spelling. My brain is in dire need of whole foods, lol.

    1. Hello again,
      Sorry for my delayed response. Ive been a bit under the weather lately. I completely understand about wanting to feed the family nutritious foods. Vegetables cost an arm and a leg at the supermarket but they're so easy to grow and a great outlet for stress, as well as a nice family bonding activity.

      The tea should actually be a lot more potent than the liquid waste Ive been using on various plants, but I truly believe the reason it gets as potent as it does is for a number of factors, but mainly its because I allow good bacteria/fungi to overwhelm the "waste" part of the liquid with fermentation, and air, as well as an abundance of microbes and sugar. Think beer making, but with manure instead of hops and you'll get the idea.

      I'm not affiliated with the worm inn in any way, but I highly recommend it because it works, but anything you have will work too, with a bit of customization.
